The Journey




William Mason                                                                                                                                                        September 25, 2006

“You, too, have remembered you.” ( 1 )

Soft, beautiful, fragile —

Like Monarchs filling an azure sky —

Her words permeate my world

And signal the birth of Spring.



Strength lies therein:

Not the strength of iron or steel,

But rather the strength that comes with beauty realized —

Beauty that embraces truth,

Beauty that is one’s soul.



And though skeptics may scorn,

Softness and fragility allow gossamer wings to soar.

Like Monarchs filling an azure sky,

I, too, shall soar on ethereal wings.

For I have remembered — beauty is mine.

(1) These were the exact words written to me by a close friend in an email sent to me a day or two before the poem was written.

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(c) Copyright 2006 William Mason. All rights reserved: The work titled "Remembered" (the poem directly above) may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without written permission from the author.




Last Updated On 2011-10-14 0:39

(c) 2010 William Mason. All rights reserved.
