The Journey


Sleep, My Child, in Peace


William Mason                                                                                                                                                        January 14, 2010

Inspired by Marley, my first grandchild; written for all my grandchildren through all generations of time and throughout all eternity.


Veils of eventide enfold thee:

Sleep, my child, in peace.

Psalms of eventide entreat thee:

Sleep, my child, in peace.

Heav’nly Father’s arms extending —

Holy angels’ watch protecting …

All my love, dear child, enduring:

Sleep, my child, in peace.


Heav’nly light thy dreams infusing:

Sleep, my child, in peace.

Truth’s distilled in slumber’s musing:

Sleep, my child, in peace.

Heav’nly Mother’s smile embracing —

Holy angels gently teaching …

All my love, dear child, enduring:

Sleep, my child, in peace.


William Mason

January 14 , 2010


 Lyrics are written for the traditional

Welsh tune, “All Through the Night.”

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(c) Copyright 2010, 2011 William Mason. All rights reserved: The work titled "Sleep, My Child, in Peace" (the poem directly above) may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without written permission from the author.




Last Updated On 2011-10-09 0:23

(c) 2010 William Mason. All rights reserved.
