The Journey




William Mason                                                                                                                                                                    April 24, 2007

“Both great and small shall call thee friend,

For the love thou possesseth is heart-bound —

conceived in service to our children,

who are thy brothers and sisters,

and to all living things that shall dwell with thee

in the place prepared for thee.” ( 1 )




Thus your mortal journey began,

welcomed by loving, anxious parents,

themselves children of Father and Mother,

into Heaven’s family on Earth,

there to grow and to serve,

line upon line, selfless act upon selfless act.




And in you, my sweet daughter,

Eternity’s promise is being fulfilled:

Even the least among Father’s creations

finds in you a warm heart and protecting hand,

The friendless have found kindness and mercy,

And the smile upon your face graces every room you enter.

Heather is one of my four children and my middle daughter. It is my intention to write an uplifting, meaningful, personal poem for each of my children before my departure from mortality.


(1) These words are my own; they are not scripture.

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(c) Copyright 2007 William Mason. All rights reserved: The work titled "Heather" (the poem directly above) may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without written permission from the author.




Last Updated On 2011-10-13 23:18

(c) 2010 William Mason. All rights reserved.
